Caroline Elsie Best (1872-1954)
- The December 24, 1892 Rockland County Journal (
, col. 1) has listings for Christmas church services. The plan for St. Paul's M. E. Church includes a recitation by Carrie Best. - After her father's death at work, she successfully sued the Erie Railroad company for damages. See William Best (1844-1901) for details.
- Lots of interesting information can be found in the newspaper archives at It's summarized below. Scanned copies of all mentions are in my digital archives.
Carrie Best graduated from Nyack High School in 1889, 97 years before I did. This is graduating class of 1889 showing Carrie Best in the front row at right:
She had relatives in NYC before marriage (see entry from March 12 1892 below). It's not yet clear who they were.
- A newspaper entry from 1897 (see below) suggests that she worked in NYC at the time.
- Originally from Nyack but lived in Mt. Vernon for some time after marriage, returning to Nyack in 1910 (see newspaper mentions)
Newspaper Mentions
- November 27, 1880 (
). "The anniversary of the M. E. Sabbath-school of this village occurred on Thursday evening, and the occasion was, as usual, a very enjoyable one. [...] Following is the programme of exercises: [...] Carrie Best, Recitation". Another writeup from December 2 (indadv_18871202_01_0002.pdf
, col 2) reports a "flag drill, one of the leading features of the evening, [...] participated in by twenty girls of the school under the direction of veteran soldier Lieutenant Salters." The list of participants includes Carrie Best and Susie Best -
June 16, 1889 (
, col 2), "The public school graduating class of '89 is as follows: Roger Hand, George Morse, May Lander, Carrie Best, and Lucy Lander. They are all bright students and a credit to the school". Closing exercises (rcj_18890706_0004.pdf
, col 2) followed.OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Another class from the Nyack public school graduated with honors last week, and many friends were present to witness the exercises. The Opera House was well filled...The programme, though a little lengthy, was so varied as to not be tedious, and we don't believe any one in the house grew tired of the exercises before they were ended.
"An Order for a Picture" wsa the title of a recitation finely given by Miss Carrie Best
Miss Carrie Best read an interesting essay on "The Bronte Sisters"... -
September 21, 1889 (
, last col), "AN EPWORTH LEAGE". "A large number of the young people of St. Paul's M. E. Church met there last week to consider plans for church work. [...] [It] was finally determined to establish an Epworth League, a purely Methodist institution. [...] This was done, Mr. John Murray being elected President and Miss Carrie Best, Secretary." This is the same year that the Epworth League was created. Later that year (rcj_18891214_0005.pdf
, col. 4), Carrie Best was elected 3rd Vice President of the Epworth Leage at St. Paul's, for the following year. - August 9, 1890 (
, last col), the YPSCE (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor) committees connected with St. Paul's include Carrie Best on the devotional committee. - August 8, 1891 (
), "The Sabbath-school Aid Society of St. Paul's M.E. Church held an excellent meeting Wednesday night at the home of Mr. Melville Green, on Marion street. [...] After the close of the business the following programme, brief but good, was rendered: [...] reading, Miss Carrie Best" - December 5, 1891 (
, col. 5), at the annual meeting of the Sabbath-school aid society, Carrie Best was one of three people appointed as "collectors". - December 26, 1891 (
, col 2). At the semi-annual meeting of the YPSCE of St. Paul's, Carrie Best was chosen as chair of the devotional committee. The same issue reports that St. Paul's "purchased 200,000 brick for their new church building", to be located at Broadway and Division Avenue. The previous location is described as "the parsonage on lower Broadway". (Noted because the Nyack Harringtons of the 1970s and 1980s lived on Division Ave next door to this new building). - March 12, 1892 (
, last col), "Miss Carrie Best is visiting relatives in New York city during her vacation from bookkeeping cares." - April 23, 1892 (
, col 1). A writeup of Easter services in Nyack lists Carrie Best doing a recitation at St. Paul's. -
July 2, 1892 (
, col 2). A "concert" at the Universalist church in Nyack included many performances.Miss Carrie Best made a very favorable impression in her first appearance as a public reader. She read "King Robert of Sicily" with a rare degree of intelligence very pleasant to hear.
"King Robert of Sicily" is an old English story about a king who sneered at a priest and was punished by god.
July 30, 1892 (
, col 2), "PARLOR MUSICAL" reports "Sweet music held complete sway at the Avallon Friday night, delighting the company of forty ladies and gentlemen who were present." "The second part was longer and equally good as the first. The numbers were as follows: [...] recitation, 'Story of a Faithless Soul,' Miss Carrie Best" - September 17, 1892 (
, col 5). A similar event took place at the Avallon. "The affair was conducted under the supervision of the Queen Esther Mission Band of St. Paul's M.E. Church, of which Miss Carrie Best is the efficient president." - November 19, 1892 (
, col 1). "THE FAIR IN PROGRESS". "The opening of the St. Paul's M. E. Church Fair on Wednesday evening was more successful than had been anticipated... The Avallon Annex was thronged from eitght till ten'oclock, and many buyers were in the crowd. Electric lights were put in the building especially for the Fair..." The "Fancy Booth" committee included Carrie Best. - December 17, 1892 (
, col 4), "The Sunday School Aid Society connected with St. Paul's M. E. Church held its annual meeting at the home of Miss Fannie Wood on Wednesday evening." Entertainments followed including a recitation by Carrie Best. - August 24, 1895 (
, col 1), "Miss Clark is visiting her cousin, Miss Carrie Best." It's not clear who Miss Clark was. - October 12, 1895 (
, last col), "BACK ON A LATE TRAIN", "A large number of Christian Endavorers from Nyack, who attended the closing sessions of the State Convention in Brooklyn on Wednesday evening, returned home by the train which reached this place at midnight." The article lists passengers, including Carrie Best. This seems like it was the previously mentioned YPSCE. - November 23, 1895 (
, col 2), "HAD A GOOD SOCIAL TIME". At the monthly meeting of the YPSCE of St. Paul's, "Miss Carrie Best, President of the Society, presided." - February 29, 1896 (
, col 3), "HAD A GOOD TIME", "Pleasing Entertainment for the Clarkstown Church". An event which included a Carrie Best recitation, "The Story of a Faithful Soul". - April 25, 1896 (
, col 4), "RECEPTION AT THE PARSONAGE". "A very pleasant reception was held at the Parsonage of St. Paul's M. E. Church, Division Avenue, on Wednesday evening." The "brief but excellent" program included "a recitation by miss Carrie Best". - September 26, 1896 (
:, col 4), "WHAT SOCIETY IS DOING", first social of the season for YPSCE included a Carrie Best recitation. - January 2, 1897 (
, col 1), "TO RECEIVE NEW YEAR CALLERS". "Many Ladies Will Be at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms on Friday", including Carrie Best and Susie Best. - June 12, 1897 (
, col 1), "Miss Carrie Best is mastering the bike in the morning hours, before going to the city." - April 16, 1910 (
, col. 1), "Coming Back to Nyack". "Mr. and Mrs. Preston Harrington and family will move from Mt. Vernon to Nyack this week, and will reside on Division avenue. Mrs. Harrington is a daughter of Mrs. Amelia Best." - August 9, 1927 (
, col 7), " Mrs. Lloyd Sandt of Easton, Pennsylvania, is visting her mother, Mrs. Preston Harrington of Washington Avenue, South Nyack" - December 19, 1927 (
), col 3, "Personal-Social". Carrie Best Harrington entertained her Sunday school class and their mothers at her home. - July 31, 1928 (
, col. 1), "Mrs. Preston Harrington of Washington avenue, South Nyack, has returned from a vacation spent at Sand Lake, N. Y." Sand Lake is in upstate NY near Albany. - May 29, 1931 (
, col. 5). Church event listings. "...Thursday at three o'clock the joint session of the W. H. M. S. and the W. F. M. S. will be entertained by Mrs. Preston M. Harrington of 48 Washington Ave [and others]" - July 29, 1932 (
, col 3), "SELF-ANALYSIS GAME AT BOOK CLUB PICNIC". Nyack Book Club meeting including Carrie Best. - June 21, 1932 (
, col. 3), "Mrs. Preston M. Harrington of Washington Ave., Nyack, is entertaining this afternoon with a tea and reception in honor of Mrs. Preston Harrington, Jr., a bride of a few months." - September 8, 1932 (
col 7), "Miss Susan Best of 48 Washington Ave. is passing a week at Ocean Grove. The Preston M. Harringtons, of the same address, have returned from a stay there." This is probably Ocean Grove, NJ - January 17, 1933 (
, col 2), "The Preson M. Harrington home on Washington Ave., South Nyack, has been quieted through the serious illness of Mrs. Harrington's aunt, Miss Anna Best." Anna Best died that day. - January 23, 1933 (
, col. 3), "Mrs. Preston Harrington was selected as the alternate delegate [to the Newark Conference of the St. Paul's M. E. Church]" - January 28, 1933 (
, col 3), "PASTOR GETS SECOND CALL". At a meeting of St. Paul's M.E. church, Preston Harrington Sr. is listed as a trustee and a steward of the church. Also, Carrie Best Harrington, Preston Harrington Jr and Daniel Harrington are listed as stewards. - June 28, 1933 (
), col 2, "THE NYACKS". "Mr. and Mrs. Preston M. Harrington of South Nyack are starting out Thursday for the Pacific coast on a sightseeing trip of five weeks duration. They will visit the World's Fair at Chicago and the National Parks and other points of special interest enroute." The fair here is the 1933 Century of Progress exposition. - August 18, 1933 (
, col 2) "PASTOR AND WIFE IN FAREWELL SUPPER". A farewell party at Hook Mountain for a departing minister from the Missionary Institute, South Boulevard, Nyack. "Mrs. Preston M. Harrington arranged the party...", "Among those who were noted in the company...are... Mrs. Preston M. Harrington, Jr, Miss Susan Best... - October 5, 1933 (
, col 1), "WELFARE GROUP TO BEGIN YEAR'S WORK WITH A FOOD SALE". Carrie Best Harrington is listed as attending. -
October 17, 1933 (
, col. 1), "LITERARY TEA IN PALISADES". "...members of the Nyack Book Club who were entertained by Mrs. S. S. Curtiss and by Mrs. Preston M. Harrington who read papers on trips they made last summer."Mrs. Curtiss described her trip to the Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago and related the impressions she gained of the scope and magnitude of the Fair. When she had transported members to the fair grounds of the mid-western city with her vivid portrayal of various exhibits, Mrs. Harrington took up the narrative.
She led her listeners from Chicago across the country to California, stopping at such interesting places as Salt Lake City, Yellowstone, Bryce and Zion National Parks, Denver, Col, and the Grand Canyon. Mrs. Harrington also described a trip across the border into Mexico. Her talk was supplemented by pictures she took on the trip.
There were also two guests, Mrs. A. Winslow of Brooklyn, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Harrington
The club meets again on October 30 when at the home of Mrs. S. S. Curtiss papers will be read by Miss Mary Shaw and Mrs. Preston M. Harrington on "Colonial Life in the North and in the South." -
October 25, 1933 (
, col. 2), "HACKENSACK SPEAKER AT MISSIONARY MEETING". "The annual all day meeting of the Women's Foreign Ministry Society of St. Paul's M. E. Church, Nyack, will be held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Preston M. Harrington, 48 Washington avenue." - October 27, 1933 (
, col 3), "PERSONAL MENTION". Carrie Best Harrington will read a paper at an upcoming book club meeting on colonial life in the north, or maybe south (unclear which one was her subject and which was someone else's). - November 6, 1933 (
, col 5), the Welfare Chain Crusade committee has increased in size, and new members include Mrs. Preston Harrington. - February 8, 1934 (
, col 6), Carrie Best Harrington mentioned as attending a meeting of the "Friday Club", part of the Welfare League. - March 2, 1934 (
, col 1) "LARGE RESPONSE TO LADIES AID LUNCHEON". "One hundred-twenty women lunched together at the Nyack 'Y' Thursday. A demonstration luncheon, staged by a New Jersey advertising agency and sponsored by Group 5 of the Ladies Aid Socirty of the Nyack M. E. Church...", "Noted in the throng were...Miss Susan Best, Mrs. Preston M. Harrington, Jr" -
March 14, 1934 (
, col 3), "MRS. BARBER GIVES BRIDGE FOR MRS. LLOYD SANDT".Mrs. E. C. Barber of West Nyack and her daughter, Miss Edith Barber, entertained yesterday afternoon at bridge in honor of Mrs. Lloyd Sandt, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Preston M. Harrington, Washington avenue, Nyack.
Others playing were Mrs. George Tillinghast, Mrs. Alfred Bott, Mrs. Preston M. Harrington, Katharine Spofford Tone (1904-1983), Mrs. William Abbott and Mrs. D. S. Haynes, all of Nyack.
The honor guest and the junior Mrs. Harrington won prizes for high score. Supper was served in the dining room.
March 18, 1938 (
, col. 2), "Branch Shows Gain in Members". A list of members of the Women's Auxiliary of Nyack Hospital includes Mrs. Preston Harrington -
January 4, 1939 (
). A look back at Nyack in 1890:Nyack was primarily a shoe town and of the 185 women listed that year as having a trade or profession, or as being employed, 83 had positions in shoe factories...
Fifteen of the 185 were salesladies, working often in their fathers' stores, as did Miss Carrie Best, whose father, William Best owned one of the most up-to-date stores in the village. -
May 13, 1943 (
, col. 4), "Many Plan To Attend Party Being Given Wednesday for Nyack be held next Wednesday afternoon at the Nyack Y.M.C.A. by the Nyack Branch of the Women's Auxilliary of the Nyack Hospital..." "Those who have so far made reservations include... Mrs. Preston Harrington..." - October 31, 1944 (
, col 3), "Miss Jennie Fox of Pallisades was hostess to the Nyack Book Club." Guests included Mrs. Preston Harrington.) - May 6, 1954 (
, col. 3), "Mrs. Caroline E. Harrington of South Nyack, widow of Preston M. Harrington, died April 30. She was for many years one of the most active workers in St. Paul's Methodist Church"
- Parents: William Best (1844-1901), Amelia Moore (1840-1921)
- Spouse: Preston Meeker Harrington Sr (1871-1942)
- Siblings: Susan Annie Best (1873-1940)
- Children: Ruth Best Harrington (1901-1959), Daniel W Harrington (1903-1958), Preston Meeker Harrington Jr (1904-1980)